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12 Oct 2011 to 16 Mar 2015: 3,489 visits shown above

Statistics updated 16 Mar 2015@10:59GMT: 3,491 visits [?]
Total since 12 Oct 2011: 3,491. Previous 24hrs: 8.

Current Country Totals
From 12 Oct 2011 to 16 Mar 2015

Canada (CA)2,350
 Alberta (AB)1,819
 Ontario (ON)134
 British Columbia (BC)134
 Saskatchewan (SK)119
 Quebec (QC)30
 Manitoba (MB)28
 Nova Scotia (NS)25
 Newfoundland (NL)9
 New Brunswick (NB)8
 Prince Edward Island (PE)4
 Northwest Territories (NT)2
 Yukon Territory (YT)1
United States (US)466
Brazil (BR)264
Russian Federation (RU)39
United Kingdom (GB)38
Italy (IT)31
India (IN)24
Philippines (PH)15
Mexico (MX)14
Germany (DE)14
Spain (ES)14
Japan (JP)14
Portugal (PT)12
France (FR)11
Colombia (CO)8
Australia (AU)8
Belgium (BE)8
Ecuador (EC)7
Netherlands (NL)6
Argentina (AR)6
Malaysia (MY)6
Indonesia (ID)6
Singapore (SG)6
Peru (PE)5
Greece (GR)5
Chile (CL)5
Europe (EU)4
Iraq (IQ)3
Israel (IL)3
Egypt (EG)3
Bulgaria (BG)3
Hungary (HU)3
Czech Republic (CZ)3
Ukraine (UA)3
Pakistan (PK)3
Turkey (TR)3
Korea, Republic of (KR)3
Taiwan (TW)3
Puerto Rico (PR)3
South Africa (ZA)3
Saudi Arabia (SA)3
Panama (PA)3
Slovenia (SI)2
Uruguay (UY)2
Honduras (HN)2
Venezuela (VE)2
Slovakia (SK)2
China (CN)2
Macedonia (MK)2
Georgia (GE)2
Romania (RO)2
Guatemala (GT)2
Sweden (SE)2
Palestinian Territory (PS)2
Tunisia (TN)2
Poland (PL)2
Asia/Pacific Region (AP)2
Uganda (UG)1
Moldova, Republic of (MD)1
Kenya (KE)1
Switzerland (CH)1
Bangladesh (BD)1
Estonia (EE)1
Finland (FI)1
Denmark (DK)1
New Zealand (NZ)1
Madagascar (MG)1
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ)1
Cote D'Ivoire (CI)1
Malta (MT)1
Algeria (DZ)1
El Salvador (SV)1
Cape Verde (CV)1
Jamaica (JM)1
Dominican Republic (DO)1
United Arab Emirates (AE)1
Thailand (TH)1
Trinidad and Tobago (TT)1
Serbia (RS)1
French Guiana (GF)1
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)1
Hong Kong (HK)1
Azerbaijan (AZ)1
Ghana (GH)1
Croatia (HR)1